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The Lowline Angus were bred in Australia from Aberdeen Angus cattle, today the breed is bred in Australia, Canada, England, America, Switzerland. Lowline angus are in Germany not a registered breed. Breeding conditions were set in Australia by the Australian Lowline Cattle Association and incorporated into the Canadian Lowline Cattle Association - both associations run a herdbook.
The Canadian Lowline Angus are the smallest cattle breed, but they are not affected by dwarfism. They are genetically polled and reach only about 60% of the normal Aberdeen Angus breed, which is in cows a hip height of about 100 cm with an average weight of 320 kg, in bulls about 110 cm with an average weight of 400 kg. The calves have a birth weight of 18 - 24 kg. The color should be pure black, even completely red cattle are allowed in the Canadian herdbook, but they must be specially marked.
What are the advantages of the Lowline Angus?
Ease of calving - small calves are up on their feet and loopking for milk straight away
Farm for the customer - smaller joints are in lone with what shoppers want
Cheap to run - lowlines will finish on grass so no need for protein or concentrates
Temperament - docile and easy to handle
Naturally polled - no horns
Good heritage - the original angus so a well-proportioned animal
Higher stocking density - stock 2.5 animals per acre
Great taste - beautiful marbled finish
Shorter gestation - calve up to two weeks earlier than most beef breeds